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June 3, 2021

How to stay healthy this summer

From longer days and golden sunshine, the summer season can warm everyone's mood up! 

Summer is also a great time to think about becoming the best version of yourself. Below you’ll find some of the best tips to help you thrive this summer. It’s important to make sure you are eating the correct nourishments, staying active and focusing on your well-being. Recharge your body as we propose some easy healthy tips that will help you feel and look your best this summer! 

Stay hydrated


Up to 60 percent of the human body is made of water and getting enough water every day, especially during hot summer days, is important to keep your body functioning correctly. Dehydration can stop essential biochemical processes in your body and affect your thinking and cognition. 

So how can you make sure you’re getting enough water during the day? 

Health experts recommend about 3.7 litres a day for men and about 2.7 litres of fluids a day for women. Again, it may depend on your weight, activity level and other factors so make sure you listen to your body.

Below are some of our best tips to stay hydrated: 

  • Get into the habit of drinking water! Start your day with a morning glass of water and also, have an extra glass with your meals. Always keep a reusable water bottle with you so you can make a conscious effort to sip water throughout the day, even when you’re not feeling thirsty. 
  • Try to avoid alcohol, sugary drinks and caffeine. Despite being liquids, those drinks are full of sugar and other ingredients that take away water from your body. Which will leave your body dehydrated as a result. 
  • Not a fan of water? Try infusing it with your favourite flavours by adding mint, lemon, berries, etc. This will help you to drink more water, without adding artificial sweeteners. 
  • Eat more water-rich foods like watermelon (92% of water), cucumber (96% of water) or courgette (95% of water).

Take care of your diet

Take advantage of fresh products such as seasonal fruits and vegetables, like berries and tomatoes. By eating seasonal foods, you’ll be able to get enough nutrients to serve your  body requirements and maintain healthy balance for the tougher winter months. It’s a natural cycle that our ancestors used to follow when living in a more natural lifestyle!

You may also notice that your appetite actually decreases in the summer months because you are spending more time outdoors in warm weather. Always make sure you are eating enough, but you can indeed downsize the portions of heavier, more filling foods like carbs (bread or rice etc.) and then, replace them with more salads, yoghurt, seasonal fruits and even cauliflower instead! 

Choose freshly squeezed juices over fizzy beverages

With the rising temperature of the summer days, we tend to crave cold, icy beverages more frequently and drinks like iced coffees, in moderation, are fine but try to avoid drinking too much caffeine. Also, be conscious of your sugar intake when ordering that vanilla frappuccino with whipped cream as when having sugar and caffeine, your body will need more water to balance out. 

Additionally, stay away from drinks with added sugar, even if they’re described as ‘healthy’ on the packaging this will include fizzy drinks and energy drinks too! All those will make your body dehydrated, no matter how many you drink. 

Instead, reach for delicious freshly squeezed alternatives — they may take a little bit longer to prepare, but trust me, your body will take you later! For example, why not try making fresh orange juice or carrot and apple juice with ice?

Stay active

The benefits of an active lifestyle are countless, regardless of the season. But with the warmer weather and longer days, there are plenty of more ‘out of the box’ ways to stay active during the day, without hitting the gym! 

There’s so many benefits of outdoor activities. Studies suggest that spending time in nature can improve our heart and blood pressure rates. For example, you can go cycling with your friends, try running or gardening or you could even break up your day and go for shorter walks throughout your day. During the summer months, working out in the heat can be uncomfortable. That's why  it is good to get some exercise in the morning hours before it gets too hot. 

When working out in the heat remember to wear breathable clothes, apply sun cream with a minimum SPF of 30 and stay in the shade when you can (and drink plenty of water!)

Getting fit and healthy this summer?

Trying to achieve your perfect summer body? Why not talk to an expert to make your journey easier! With over 10 years of experience of helping lots of people reach their goals and start their life again, I want to help you! I specialise in body recomposition, which means you don’t have to choose between losing weight and gaining muscle — unlike traditional personal fitness programmes.

With me, you’ll get more than aesthetic improvements and I’ll make sure to do everything I can to make your fitness journey clear and simple. Get in touch and book your first consultation with me. No more excuses, start the journey towards your new body now! 

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